Cpl. Bob Hayes - Korean War Veteran

Bob spent his war years taking care of the men in his company.  He was in the Army Medical Service Corps... the 618th Medical Clearing Company of the 52nd Battalion.  Others in his Company evacuated the wounded from the M*A*S*H field hospitals on the front lines.  The wounded were taken to hospitals set up - in North Korea! - close to Seoul or to Japan.  Bob kept track of all the data on the men in the company, their battles, their promotions, their wounds, their mail and their awards.  Each payday he would travel to where the men in his company were located using various modes of transportation.  For long distances he sometimes traveled courtesy of the Turkish Air Force, enjoying a view of the ground through the bullet holes in the fuselage.         

Many Koreans worked for the G.I.'s.  This little boy was a houseboy.

JoAnne P. Miller