Getting in Touch
Contact us at or P.O. Box 306 Hillsdale, MI 49242
The Will Carleton Poorhouse (located at 180 N. Wolcott, Hillsdale, MI) is open for special events and for arranged tours. If interested in a personal tour for a group of 10 or more, please contact us at least a week prior to the desired date using the form below. The Little White House on the Hill (located at the Hillsdale County Fair Grounds) is open during the Hillsdale County Fair during the last week of September.
The Charles T. and Harriet Wing Mitchell home before it became the Mitchell Public Library and now the Mitchell Research Center
The Mitchell Research Center is a Hillsdale County treasure. With extensive records going back practically to when the first settlers came into the area, it's the first place to look for family information. Visit their website to see the resources available.
Will Carleton Poorhouse
180 N. Wolcott Drive
Hillsdale, MI 49242
Little White House on the Hill
Hillsdale County Fair Grounds
115 S. Broad Street
Hillsdale, MI 49242