The Stocks of Broad Street
The Stocks of Broad Street & Broad Street Scenes
Although many of the early prominent extended families of Hillsdale had lovely homes, the three Stock homes on Broad Street could easily be considered the most beautiful. Although different members of the family—and even management from the mill—lived in them through the years, F.W. and Wilhelmina were the first owners of the lovely house at the corner of Broad and Bacon streets, across from the mill. Early on, their son Alexander lived in the second house with his wife, Emma Koon. F.W. and Wilhelmina's son A.D. and his wife, Madge Boutwell, lived in the third.
The three homes never needed furnaces, being heated by the mill through a pipe that ran under Bacon Street. Summers were cooler under the abundant trees that are now gone, victims of old age and disease.
JoAnne P. Miller
Carol A. Lackey